Posted on 3/30/2022

Did you know that driving with worn tires, or tires with little to no tread, is extremely dangerous? Worn tires can alter your car's performance and affect your and your passenger's safety. But how do you know whether your tread is too low? Fortunately, you can track your tire tread depth at home, all by using a penny. Today, we'll be going over the penny test hack and why tread depth is so important. How to Do the Penny Test According to transportation laws in the US, your tires need to be at least 2/32" to pass your vehicle inspection. Once they've worn down close to that point, you will need to replace the tires. However, 2/32" is challenging to measure because it is so small. If you don't have a fancy, specialized tread measuring tool lying around, you can gauge your tread depth with the penny test. STEPS Place the penny with Lincoln's head upside down into one of the ridges in your tire. If any part of his head is covered by the tire, it mean ... read more