Posted on 9/29/2022

What do you do to slow or stop your vehicle? Step down on the brake pedal, of course. But, the brake system is a lot more complex than a simple pedal. It involves many parts to produce the pressure necessary to slow down your wheels’ rotation. Over time, these parts will wear down and need service. Typically, you can tell when your brakes are going bad using your senses. Fortunately, brakes show early signs of weakness like squeals and squeaks. With routine and regular brake service, you shouldn’t find your brakes fail abruptly. Otherwise, failing brakes can be very frightening and put you and your loved ones at risk of an accident. Below are some of the symptoms of bad or failing brakes: Brake warning light or ABS light illuminated on dashboard Squealing, squeaking, or grinding noises Spongy brake pedal Shaky or vibrating brake pedal Brake pedal goes straight down to the floor Car pulls to one side when braking Brake pedal feels stiff a ... read more