Posted on 6/15/2022

Whether you are a newbie driver or an experienced one, we all have our own bad driving habits. Some of them are more forgiving than others, while others can cost you additional fuel and repair bills. The good news is that you can always correct your habits to prevent problems down the line. Read on to learn more about some terrible habits that could be hurting your car: Running Over Potholes There are many different areas of the car that you can potentially hurt from speeding into a pothole. If you tend to do it often, it can harm your suspension parts, wheel alignment, and steering components. Plus, it can also burst your tires. It is best to slow down if possible when driving over potholes. Speeding Over Speed Bumps The whole point of a speed bump is to slow down your car. Similar to the pothole, this can also hurt your shocks and struts, tires, and steering system. Plus, you don’t want to damage your bumper or undercarriage either. Next time, try taking it easy. Forgettin ... read more